Tourist experiences’ impacts on the destination image: searching for new opportunities to the Algarve
Saint Augustine
This research project addresses the following research question guiding this study: How is the Algarve tourism destination experienced and perceived by tourists? Overall, it aims to identify and measure the touristic experiences and their impacts on the experiential image of the Algarve as a tourism destination.
Regarding this, our study leads to the following:
To characterise and measure the tourism experience and the
experiential image of the Algarve as a tourism destination to assess the impacts of experience on destination image.
Besides its practical relevance, the project is theoretically innovative as it contributes to the knowledge in validating and modelling constructs and scales.
- Manuela Guerreiro, CinTurs e FEUAlg (Coordenadora)
- Patrícia Pinto, CinTurs e FEUAlg (Co-coordenadora)
Research Fellows
- Ana Carolina Bender, CinTurs e FEUAlg
- Fátima Lampreia Carvalho, CinTurs
- Rafaela Martins | CinTurs e FEUAlg
Graphical design
- Ana Carolina Bender | CinTurs & FEUAlg
- Rafaela Martins | CinTurs e FEUAlg
- Vlad Shvedchikov
- Alberto Chamarelli
- Ana Bender
- Ana Portada
- Diogo Nader
- Joana Pereira
- Letícia Quinonez
- Paulo Correia
- Rafaela Martins | CinTurs e FEUAlg
- Tiago Gago
- Bernardete Sequeira, CICS NOVA e FEUAlg
- Célia Ramos, CinTurs e ESGHT
- Dora Agapito, CinTurs e FEUAlg
- Luís Nobre Pereira, CinTurs e ESGHT
- Magda Wikesjö, CinTurs e FEUalg
- Nelson Matos, CinTurs e ESGHT
Junior Research Fellows
- Armita Serajahedi | CinTurs
- Fatemeh Bagheri | CinTurs
- Homayoun Golestaneh | CinTurs
Research Internship
- Clara Silva | FEUAlg
- Isis Macedo | FEUAlg
- Meghan Beevor | FEUAlg
- Vitória Barreto | FEUAlg
- Address: Universidade do Algarve, Faculty of Economics Building 9, Campus de Gambelas. 8005-139 Faro, Portugal
- Phones:
- +351 289 244 406
- +351 289 800 900 (ext. 7773 ou 7161)
- E-mail: cinturs@ualg.pt | cintursinfo@ualg.pt
Research Design
Albert Einstein
Conceptual framework
The current literature conducted led to the development of the initial conceptual framework that is guiding this investigation in the scope of TurExperience, by conceptualizing the experiential image of the destination.
Source: Own Elaboration
To offer a comprehensive approach about the phenomenon, a mixed methods approach is adopted, and a nine-step empirical methodology is designed:
Source: Own Elaboration
Survey within tourists
The empirical study, was based on a survey in which the main variables under research, were applied using a questionnaire, following an extensive literature review. The literature review allowed to identify the state of the art about the main variables (tourism experience and destination image), and permitted to find the scales, dimensions, and sub-dimensions. The scales were adapted to the study and region, and afterwards was validated by two panels of academics and local stakeholders.
A stratified estimated sample of 2.729 tourists is being surveyed considering the touristic seasons and the most representative segments of tourists visiting the Algarve by nationality (Portuguese, British, French, German, Spanish, Irish, Dutch and others). This global sample size assures a margin of error lower or equal to 2% with a 95% confidence level. Data collection is carried out through the application of questionnaires to tourists, using a systematic method and the personal interview. This process is conducted by interviewers recruited by the project team, who were properly supervised and trained. During the touristic high season, between July 15th and September 15th, 2021, 1909 questionnaires were collected at the Faro International Airport, on the departure area and other traditional touristic spots in the region (to include Portuguese and Spanish tourists).A sample of 800 tourists were interviewed during the low season (between October 2021 and June 2022). The data was analysed using statistical software – Statistical Package for Social Sciences 25.
Interviews within Tourists
The tourists’ storytelling about their experiences in the Algarve is collected through the interview technique. The purposive sample is elected, and the chosen criteria are the respondents’ nationality, gender and age. The interviews took place during the 2 seasons (high and low season). 27 interviews in the high season were carried out to create a sample with a balanced dimension that ensures the saturation and redundancy of the data and, therefore, an in-depth analysis of the cases. 13 interviews took place during the low season.
Tourists Generated Content
The tourists’ storytelling about their holiday experiences are studied through content shared on social media, namely Facebook and Instagram – Tourist Generated Content (TGC). Data is collected, registered, and analysed using the Content Analysis techniques, including sentiment analysis.
Project Results
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Bender, A., Pinto, P., Guerreiro, M. & Agapito, D. (2022) Experiential marketing and its relationship with memory and behavioral intentions: An empirical study at a Sea and Sun destination under Covid-19 pressure. International Conference on Tourism and Business ICTB, Lucerne, 24-27 August 2022.
Bender, A. C., Lança, M., Guerreiro, M. M., Pinto, P. (2022) Módulos Experienciais, Memória e Intenções Comportamentais: A Perspectiva dos Turistas no Algarve, Portugal, in Anais da XIX Seminário ANPTUR, 28 a 30 de setembro, Recife, Brasil.
Guerreiro, M., Pinto, P., Sequeira, B., Matos, M., Agapito, D., Martins, R., Ramos, C., Pereira, L. & Wikesjö, M. (2022) The experiential image of the tourism destination: a qualitative approach with tourists in the Algarve. TMS Algarve 2022, Olhão, 16-19 November.
Guerreiro, M., Pinto, P., Matos, N., Pereira, L., Sequeira, B., Agapito, D. (2023) Destination experiential image. An exploratory contribution towards the development of a reliable and valid measurement scale. International Marketing Trends Conference 2023, Paris, 19-21 January.
Guerreiro, M., Pinto, P., Ramos, C., Martins, R., Golestaneh, H., Wikesjo, M. (2023) The online destination image as portrayed by the UGC on social media and its impact on tourists’ engagement: insights from Algarve, Portugal. International Marketing Trends Conference 2023, Paris, 19-21 January.
Martins, R., Sequeira, B. & Guerreiro, M. (2022) Exploring emotions in tourists’ experiences based on cognitive appraisal theory. Insights from Algarve, Portugal. TMS Algarve 2022, Olhão, 16-19 November.
Piedade, D., Guerreiro, M. (2022) The tourists’ experience and behavioural intentions in reopened tourism destinations: exploring effects of real-time emotions. International Conference on Tourism and Business ICTB, Lucerne, 24-27 August 2022.
Piedade, D., Pinto, P. & Guerreiro, M. (2022) The Customer Experience at the Destination and Behavioural Intentions: Exploring the Role of Tourists’ Emotions. TMS Algarve 2022, Olhão, 16-19 November.
Bender, A. C.; Guerreiro, M. & Pinto, P. (2021) Experiential modules, memory and behavioural intentions: The perspective of visitors to the Algarve.
InvTur Conference 2021, May 6th, Aveiro.
Scientific publications
Pinto, P. & Guerreiro, M. (Eds.), (2020). Handbook of Research on Resident and Tourist Perspectives on Travel Destinations. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
ISBN13: 9781799831563|ISBN10: 1799831566|EISBN13: 9781799831570.
Carvalho, S. L., Sequeira, B., Wikesjö, M. & Ramos, C. R. Q. (2020). The Unfolding Theories on Destination Image, 1990-2020: A Content Analysis Approach. In Pinto, P. & Guerreiro, M. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Resident and Tourist Perspectives on Travel Destinations. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 313-338.
Apresentação dos resultados dos projetos RESTUR e TurExperience
Source: Região de Turismo do Algarve
Apresentação dos resultados dos projetos RESTUR e TurExperience
Source: Universidade do Algarve
Projetos RESTUR e TurExperience apresentados na RTA
Source: A Voz do @lgarve
Turismo do Algarve apresenta resultado dos projetos Restur e Turexperience
Source: Barlavento
Algarve (ainda) não é visto como destino eco-friendly pelos turistas
Source: Barlavento
Louis Armstrong
Visit Algarve Website
Europe’s most famous secret
We are sure you have already heard about it. Perhaps a friend told you about its magnificent beaches. Maybe you saw a report about its typically Mediterranean cuisine. Or it could be that you simply came across a text like this one, which highlights the history, culture and friendliness of those who are used to giving visitors the warmest of welcomes.
Algarve Tips Website
Europe’s most famous secret
We are sure you have already heard about it. Perhaps a friend told you about its magnificent beaches. Maybe you saw a report about its typically Mediterranean cuisine. Or it could be that you simply came across a text like this one, which highlights the history, culture and friendliness of those who are used to giving visitors the warmest of welcomes.
Algarve 360 Videos
Europe’s most famous secret
We are sure you have already heard about it. Perhaps a friend told you about its magnificent beaches. Maybe you saw a report about its typically Mediterranean cuisine. Or it could be that you simply came across a text like this one, which highlights the history, culture and friendliness of those who are used to giving visitors the warmest of welcomes.
Algarve, Europe´s most famous secret
Europe’s most famous secret
We are sure you have already heard about it. Perhaps a friend told you about its magnificent beaches. Maybe you saw a report about its typically Mediterranean cuisine. Or it could be that you simply came across a text like this one, which highlights the history, culture and friendliness of those who are used to giving visitors the warmest of welcomes.
Algarve as never seen before
A secret to share: tell the whole world about the Algarve. Life is so much better when you share it. (video)